The Wivenhoe Society
Community Action Progress
Ferry Marsh Unblocked
Residents expressed concerns about flooding on Ferry (Horseshoe) Marsh and the impact on its vole population. Wivenhoe Society responded by successfully lobbying the Environmental Agency to clear a blocked sluice drain and protect the vole population which were introduced in 2011. Much of the marsh became inaccessible by foot and now that it is drained it is fully accessible to all.
Paget Road Update
We are yet to hear anything about our objections to the possible closure of the Paget Road level crossing and loudness of the train hooters. Hopefully we’ll be able to give you a response from the Inspector in the next edition of Wivenhoe News.
Keeping our Public Rights of Way open – calling long-term Wivenhoe residents to help!
One of the many things that makes Wivenhoe so special, is the fantastic walks and beautiful pathways on which we’re able to amble. Many of these aren’t registered as pedestrian rights of way, which need to be if we are to continue to enjoy these special walks.
The Public Rights of Way Group (PROW), a small, ad hoc group has been formed to gather the relevant witness statements from long-term residents and put the case for registration to Essex County Council. Ballast Quay Road and Farm Track to Cockayne’s Wood statements have been sent to the County Council and we're waiting to hear from them.
PROW is now looking at the western area of Wivenhoe and the question of Smith’s Corner and DeVere Lane.
We need your help!
The Group is also looking at the path at the top of Parkwood Avenue which goes through to The Avenue. It is used by a lot of people but is not a designated right of way, so we need:
People to fill in a witness statement to say that they use the path, or that they have used it in the past. (We need to prove use over the past twenty years.)
Information about the ownership of the path.
We’d love to hear from you if you can help us - please contact Kay Gordon - kay08@btinternet.com