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What we do...

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Planning Applications

WivSoc monitors Colchester Borough planning applications in Wivenhoe and nearby. 

We only comment on applications that we feel could adversely affect the appearance or amenities of Wivenhoe. Occasionally we may support a particular application that could be beneficial, or comment on applications in Tendring.

Click on the button below to see planning applications for Colchester (enter Wivenhoe in the box) and you can see any WivSoc comments on the site.

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Local Plan

WivSoc has responded to the various rounds of consultations on the emerging Local Plan.  Part 1of the draft Plan covers Colchester, Tendring and Braintree. 


We’ve had a seat at the table for the Hearings in 2018 and this will continue when the Hearings resume in January 2020.  WivSoc is counted as a “stakeholder” and has attended various incitation-only workshops.  

If the Garden Communities get the go ahead there will be more of these to attend.  To find out more about our and other people’s/groups’ responses, click on the button below.

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Essex County Council

ECC has planning powers relating to minerals, waste disposal, highways and schools and also holds some consultations.  We have commented/objected to some planning applications and also respond to consultations which affect Wivenhoe.

Colchester Borough consultations  

The Borough also consults on issues from time to time and if relevant to Wivenhoe we put in a response.

Other consultations 

There are various one off consultations for example from Network Rail on level crossings.  Very occasionally we respond to a Government consultation.

If there are issues, perhaps with a planning application which affects you or which you think is potentially harmful to Wivenhoe, do get in touch at or click on the button below.

Find below attached files relevant to various relevant topics above

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