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Reviewing planning applications and commenting where necessary - September 2021

Updated: Oct 20, 2021

1. Monitoring applications (Borough)

The Borough notifies us of planning applications and where appropriate we comment, support or object.For example we objected to an application to demolish The Flag and replace it with flats but supported the application to add bed and breakfast accommodation which would make continued pub and restaurant use viable.

The Flag

A recent controversial application is for housing adjacent to Broadfields. The Society has opposed the proposals as they stand as they do not conform to the Wivenhoe Neighbourhood plan (with 35 dwellings proposed outside the settlement boundary) and because of ownership issues the pedestrian and cycle links to the south are not guaranteed.

Below is a map of what Taylor Wimpey is proposing

How you can input to planning: You can see details of planning applications and comment on the Colchester online planning website.

There is still an opportunity to have your say on the Developer's Website, if you couldn't attend the recent meetings.

2. Essex County applications and consultation

Essex deals with highways, minerals and waste and education. We respond to consultations including the recent one on the A133/A120 link road. We have also in the past objected to various minerals and waste applications including proposals to put a large biodigester plant on the site of the gravel workings to the west of Keelars lane (fortunately dropped by the County)

3. The Local Plan and the Garden Community

The Wivenhoe Society has responded to numerous consultations and was represented at all the hearing sessions for Part 1 of the Local Plan and for a relevant session for Part 2. While we argued that the site to the north of the A133 was not a suitable location for a garden community because of the already existing congestion on the A133 unfortunately the Inspector approved this proposal. The next step is the production of a Development Plan Document to set out the layout and design. There will be consultation on this. Peter Hill is representing the Society on the Community Liaison Group.

There is a Tendring Colchester Borders engagement website which will gradually grow larger with more and more pages of information as the work continues on drawing up this Development Plan Document.

There is a map of the area of search on which you can pin comments.

This is the area of search for the development.

This includes land to the south of the A133. The Committee considers this should be part of a coalescence break between Wivenhoe and the new Community and that development should be to the north of the A133. We urge you to input your views to the engagement website.

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